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APC senators in near fisticuffs over sharing of positions 12:12 24/06/2015 in News

APC senators in near fisticuffs over sharing of positions 12:12 24/06/2015 Abuja - Senators of the All Progressives Congress (APC) on Tuesday nearly exchanged blows following disagreement over the sharing formula for the remaining principal offices in the Senate, reports Punch. The APC senators were meeting to broker peace between feuding members of the Senate Unity Forum and Senators of Like Mind. The meeting was convened by Senate President, Bukola Saraki. Also read: Saraki pacifies aggrieved APC senators Trouble started when Saraki told the senators that each zonal caucus should meet and present their choices for the offices. In reaction, Senator Suleiman Hunkuyi (Kaduna North), a member of the Senate Unity Forum, rejected the suggestion by Saraki, saying it was the exclusive preserve of the party to do so. Angered by Hunkuyi's demand, Senator Tayo Alasoadura (Ondo Central), the only South-west senator who belongs to Saraki’s camp, shouted Hunkuyi down. Alasoadura faulted the party’s choice of Senator Olusola Adeyeye as Chief Whip. Alasoadura's submission was said to have infuriated Senator Kabir Marafa (Zamfara Central) who accosted Alasoadura in anger and pushed him violently, The intervention of other senators prevented the commotion from degenerating into a serious fight. Read more at Punch. - News 24
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